
I was listening to a new song this morning, "My Love" by Goapele feat. Eric Benet, while I was driving to work. This song makes me want to get up and dance. It makes me feel sunny and happy. It's a brand new song that I just listened to for the first time on Monday but it somehow reminds of my Grandma's house. It reminds me of those sunny, summer days where I would sit in the window and watch the world outside.
That's the power of music: it can take you to a pretty happy place. But as I thought about that I realized I'd give anything to just go back to those days even for a little while. Being at my Grandma's house with my brothers and cousins are some of the happiest memories I have of my childhood. As a kid I was told I would miss these days and not to wish to be grown, it'll come. Now I know that is true and I long for the days of being a kid with no worries and being carefree. "When you're a kid you wish to be an adult and when you're an adult you wish you were a kid." I didn't listen and as I thought about that I realized that I will try to warn my kids and advise them to enjoy childhood for as long as they can but like me they probably won't listen and that makes me a little sad. If I could help them not go through the longing and reminiscing for childhood that we all do because we forgot to be a kid then I would. There's nothing I can do for my future kids or for myself now. I just want to go back to my Grandma's house and not have a care in the world.

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