Rihanna's Anti World Tour

One week ago on April 20, 2016, I woke up and looked at my phone. I had an email from Tidal. I read the first few lines and saw that I had won two tickets to Rihanna's Anti World Tour. Of course, I was beyond shocked. when I entered a few months earlier, I never imagined that I would win. A notification popped up when I opened the app so I entered. There was no harm in that. About a week before I got the email, I had resigned myself to not winning and not being able to go to the concert otherwise. I live in Utah where artist that I listen to and love do not normally come. So when I saw that Rihanna was coming here I really wanted to go. She is one of my favorite artist all time. I have been listening to her since she started making music eleven years ago. That email made my day. It made my week.