Last Thursday, we had our launch night party where we presented the published copy of the journal I've been working on all semester. It was a lot of work, very stressful at times. I lost a lot of sleep worrying about how it would turn out but the finished product makes it all worth it. It was a great experience but it was so stressful and crazy and everything. I spent so many hours in my faculty advisor's office going over things for the journal whether it was making selections for submissions or editing or whatever was necessary. As stressful as it was I wouldn’t trade it for anything. The experience I gained is invaluable and will help me so much going forward. I learned that I can lead; I can be in charge of something as big as a journal. I know what I am doing and it helped give me faith in myself. I wouldn't have been able to do this without Christa D. Albrecht, Lydia RenĂ©e Kerr, Deirdre Nickel, and Landon Roper and the rest of the editing staff as well as faculty in the English Department.